Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ok...I took a year what

I have this blog spot...but have not updated in a I guess I should figure out what I want to do...continue with my scrapbooking posts or so something new with it. Whatever I do, it needs to be more consistent.

So for this one, I think I will list somethings I am thankful for as I look back on this year:
My Girlfriends...for being there when I needed you, for making me laugh, for going on vacations with.
My kids: both are smart, healthy, considerate people. I think I did a good job with raising them. Can't wait to see what the future holds.
My parents for the never ending love and support.
I'm also thankful that I have a job and a house.
My pets Bella and Pepper, for keeping me amused and for snuggling...when they are in the mood.
My health, so far so good.

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